




  • Flower Remedies
    <p>Healing Herbs, Bach remedies, Deva, FES Californische remedies, Bush Flowers, Living Essences, Nederlandse remedies, PHI remedies, Yana bloesems, Alaska remedies, Perelandra, Himalayan Flower Enhancers, Findhorn remedies, Pacific, Master's Flower Essences,...</p>
  • Tree remedies
  • Gemmotherapie
    <p>Gemmotherapy uses the buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs prepared, in their fresh state, by direct maceration in a mixture of water, alcohol and glycerine. </p> <p>The gemmotherapy extract is a true concentrate of information; it contains all the genius of the tree from which the bud comes. </p>
  • Aura Soma
    <p>Discover the beautiful world of Aura-Soma color therapy.</p> <p>This therapy brings about holistic and harmonious healing through colors. <br />The word 'Aura' stands for the colors that surround our bodies like an electromagnetic field. The word 'Soma' is the Greek word for body. Vicky Wall, pharmacist and medical therapist, 'rediscovered' Aura-Soma. This therapy balances the energies in the aura around us. <br />By adding different colors to the aura, Aura-Soma creates a natural balance. The combination of oils, healing herbs, aroma essences and crystal energies restores a complete balance. Because of the unique color combinations it is possible to use the Aura-Soma bottles for personality diagnosis and as color therapy.</p> <p>In the meantime 120 different two-colored bottles have been developed from which you can choose</p>
  • Aromatherapy and...
    <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><strong>History of essential oils</strong><br /><br />Most ancient civilizations already made use of the beneficial effects of essential oils.<br />Historical Indian and Chinese documents already describe the use of aromatic oils for promoting health. The Greeks and Romans regularly enjoyed fragrant oil baths and massages. The ancient Egyptians used essential oils such as cedar, incense and myrrh for embalming. We can therefore regard the Egyptian priests as the first aromatherapists in the world.<br /><br />At the beginning of the last century the Frenchman Gattefossé laid the foundation of modern aromatherapy. He discovered that lavender oil quickly healed a burn on his hand and became fascinated by the effects of essential oils.<br />Use / application of essential oils<br /><br />There are many ways to use essential oils!<br /><br />Internal use<br />Although the internal use of essential oils can be very efficient, we recommend not experimenting yourself! Only use them internally under the supervision of a therapist. A very well-founded knowledge of the different oils is necessary. Some essential oils can be very dangerous if used incorrectly! The internal use by children (-6 years) and pregnant women is strongly discouraged. Never take more than 2 drops, maximum 1 or 2 times a day.<br /><br /><br /><br />Massage, bath, shower<br /><br />Essential oils are ideally suited for use during a blissful massage, a soothing bath or an invigorating shower. They easily penetrate the skin, where they exert their beneficial effects. For this, dilute them in a vegetable oil (eg sweet almond or jojoba oil).<br /><br /><br />Some guidelines for external use:<br /><br />    • Body massage: 2.5 to 5% essential oil or 5 to 10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil.<br />    • Face oil or cream: 1% essential oil or 2 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil or cream.<br />    • Aromatic bath: 3 to 5% essential oil or 6 to 10 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil.<br />    • Shampoo: 1 to 2% essential oil or 2 to 4 drops per 10 ml.<br />    • Local use: for certain applications, much higher concentrations are applied (&gt; 20%), eg on muscles and joints, anti-parasitic, ... such applications are only carried out under the supervision of a therapist!<br /><br /><br />Spray<br />Essential oils bring a pleasant scent into living and working spaces. Preferably use electric injectors that do not heat up the oils and spray them extremely finely. 15 minutes of spraying per hour is sufficient.<br /><br />Inhale<br />Is an excellent way to soothe and calm the airways and throat. The essential oils release the nose, making breathing easier. Pour 2 to 3 drops in a bowl of hot water and breathe in the vapor for 5 to 10 minutes (beware: avoid irritating oils!).</span></p>
  • Magnesium
    <p>Magnesium is needed for:</p> <ul> <li>the formation of bone and muscle</li> <li>the transfer of impulses in muscles and in nerve tracts</li> <li>The proper functioning of muscles.</li> </ul> <p>Magnesium deficiency is often difficult to recognise. Muscle and nerve disorders are especially prominent: muscle weakness or cramps, tremors, convulsions. Psychological changes may also occur such as increased irritability, depression and psychosis.</p> <p>The more physical or mental stress, the more magnesium you consume. And with a lower magnesium level in your cells, you are more sensitive to stress. This is how you end up in a vicious circle. Magnesium has a calming effect and relaxes your muscles, blood vessels and even your brain. Translated with (free version)</p>
  • Energy-frequency oils
    <p>SPAZIOTEMPO brand is dedicated to emotional olfactory communication. It consists of exclusive natural products, based on absolutes and very pure essential oils, selected and wisely combined for the harmonious olfactory balance, able to communicate directly with the deepest and most authentic parts of the Ego, through the most ancient “sense”, the most refined, direct and unbiased: the sense of smell.</p> <p>Although the sense of smell is often underestimated in its importance by man, it is the first that developed in living beings. The olfactory system is a part of the brain itself and, like no other sense, it has the ability to determine our emotions. Man is able to perceive 1 trillion odors (1 billion of billions), far beyond the capacity of any other sense. The sense of smell is, by its nature, the most powerful means of emotional communication, which intervenes in the deepest and most intimate spheres of our psyche, and can, therefore, be a powerful vehicle for healing the ego and well-being.</p> <p>The beneficial effects of essential oils, also on the emotional sphere, and the reflections of these effects on our well-being are the bases of Aromatherapy, which is the primum movens of SPAZIOTEMPO creations</p>
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  • Aanbevolen producten
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  • Nutritional supplements
    <p>Een <strong>voedingssupplement</strong> is een voedingsmiddel dat bedoeld is als aanvulling op de normale voeding. Het is, volgens de wet, een geconcentreerde bron van één of meerdere vitaminen, mineralen of andere nutriënten met een voedingskundig of fysiologisch effect. Meestal worden voedingssupplementen met het doel van gezondheidsbevordering gebruikt, deze werking is echter niet altijd wetenschappelijk bewezen. Mede daarom staat op alle voedingssupplementen in Nederland en België een etiketvermelding waarin er op wordt gewezen dat voedingssupplementen niet als vervanging voor een gevarieerde voeding mogen worden gebruikt<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"></sup></p>
  • Sales
    <p>Find our products at a great discount here</p>
  • Gemstones & minerals

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