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  • €12.00 - €20.00


Bouchardon (European trees)

Tree oils and elixirs from Patrice Bouchardon.

In 1985, Patrice was asked, together with his wife, to take care of a farm while the owners were on holiday. From one day to the next, they exchanged city life for country life and were responsible for one hundred and fifty cows, goats and sheep. Their knowledge of farm life was absolutely minimal.

Thus, if there was a problem with an animal, they knew little else than to look it in the eye, listen to it, talk to it, communicate with it. In the four months that they ran the farm, they built up a close relationship with the animals.
Later, for another four months, they went to live in a cabin in central France, at an altitude of a thousand metres and surrounded by thousands of hectares of forest, without roads, buildings or hikers.

Just as they had developed a deep contact with the animals on the farm, they now sought to come into contact with the trees.
At first, they looked at the trees with admiration from a distance. Then they began to use their senses: they smelled the trees, touched them, tasted their sap. They put their ear to the trunk...and heard sounds and noises. They felt a change in their breathing rhythm, an influence on their pains, on their moods, even on their thoughts. It led to some very big surprises.

Eventually, the tree oils were born here.
 Now they have been preparing their oils for 20 years. And still they discover new properties and effects of these oils.

A few years ago, a series of elixirs were made from the same trees and shrubs, expressing a deeper aspect of the oils.

Bouchardon (European trees)


  • Boomoliën
    <p>Bouchardon - oliën De Boomoliën of Bouchardon-oliën, zijn gecreëerd vanuit een zeer intens contact tussen de mens en de natuur. Iedere olie draagt de energetische eigenschappen van een boom of een struik, een unieke kwaliteit of dynamiek. Deze kwaliteiten of dynamieken hebben een helend karakter op ons hele wezen. Ze kunnen ons fysiek ondersteunen, emotioneel, mentaal en spiritueel. Verkrijgbaar in flesjes van 50 ml.</p>
  • Droplet remedies
    <p>Bouchardon - elixers De Bouchardon-elixers zijn gecreëerd vanuit de oliën, als een volgende stap ervan. De oliën, die een meer helend en verzorgend karakter hebben, bereiden ons voor om diepere waarden te ontwikkelen, een proces dat door de elixers ondersteund wordt. In de kern van ieder probleem of moeilijke situatie ligt een uitnodiging om diepere krachten en talenten tot ontwikkeling te brengen. De elixers ondersteunen dit proces om onze innerlijke levenskrachten te versterken en ze in ons dagelijks leven te integreren. Verkrijgbaar in blauwe glazen flesjes van 30 ml.</p>

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