SPAR (sapin)
Untitled Document p>
SPAR - Sapin: strong> span> h4>
The stem of a spar is straight and vertical, the energy will circulate very easily and is very bulky, the respiration is kept free and independent. The intelligence of this tree expresses itself completely in his tribe 
The quality that expresses itself could be summed up in two words in the life of a spruce:. Breathing and movement, so his presence brings us in harmony with strong rhythms and important. p>
These qualities help to ensure that everything that is not in harmony rondcirculeert us well again flows, which we transcend the impressions that we are narrow-minded in our lives or wedged into our bodies. He makes sure that we again find some 'oxygen', and that our own broader dimension and our breathing becomes deeper. P>
Fir oil helps: em> strong> p>
To blocked energy to allow flow again, as in our respiratory, circulatory, intestinal transit, the circulation of the energy in the back, at heaviness in the legs ...
In order to make our lives free, and give greater dimension and more freedom.
to connect with ourselves and with a wider and more open dimension of life.
This broad and expanded dimension of ourselves will broaden our horizons, and will be an opening meaning to what we first considered impossible and that is after all realized. p>