BIRCH elixir - Estime de soi: SELF-ESTEEM
BIRCH elixir - Estime de soi em> strong> u> h4>
SELF-ESTEEM em> strong>
to find ourselves in our hearts love. p>
BIRCH elixir - Estime de soi em> strong> u> h4>
SELF-ESTEEM: em> strong> p>
to find ourselves in our hearts love. P>
When we have developed a more clear view of ourselves with the Den, we can also come easier to accept ourselves.
The softness of the Birch can also help us to see ourselves as we are and not as we think we are or would like to be, to reconcile us with ourselves and develop a peaceful relationship with ourselves.
The Den can we come to our own part to see situations and recognize Birch can help us to connect with the most beautiful side of our inner selves. By thus giving the best of ourselves, we get more appreciation for ourselves and love ourselves more. Thus we discover the presence of the power of love for ourselves, and helps Birch to develop self-esteem. Love from our shadow side would only narcissism.
True self-esteem, increased from discovering the power of love for ourselves, is also a prerequisite for our appreciation of others. P>
When we are hurt or aggressive, you can: p>
Oil Birch help us with her gentleness and compassion, and li> the elixir Birch can help us to develop more self-esteem. Li> Ul>