Dream Time Oralspray 30 ml
This remedy helps noisy, busy and restless children calm down and become peaceful, calm and relaxed so they can go to bed in peace.
This remedy helps noisy, busy and restless children calm down and become peaceful, calm and relaxed so they can go to bed peacefully. Protects sensitive souls from external stimuli and makes them less prone to negativity so they fall asleep faster.
BEST FOR: Noisy, busy, restless souls who are super sensitive to environmental stimuli and don't want to miss anything.
Easy to use: spray 3 x on the tongue, in the morning and in the evening.
Contains: Angelsword, Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Crowea, and Fringed Violet.
Composition: Vibrant infusions of the above flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative.